
The Sierra Region offers a wide variety of products, from delicious fruits and vegetables to flavorful coffee beans and high quality wood. APACOS aims to increase the quality of the chain of production by considering the needs of both the consumer and the producer. Security from the moment a product is harvested or manufactured to the moment it is purchased is of upmost importance. The unique topography of the region and high ozone levels offer optimum conditions for agricultural production,
making the region rich with the opportunity for growth. APACOS believes it is important to maintain the environmentally safe methods that are used in its production process as the association grows.
Find out more about the products of APACOS, and how the harvesting, processing and packaging of each product upholds the vision and mission of the producers.

Quality Control

Greenhouse manager José Gregorio Rojas Batista speaks about the cultivation of red peppers and tomatoes. Watch and find out how greenhouses help increase the quality of the production process.

Potential for Growth

Antonio Gonzales’s lime farm harvests approximately 40,000 limes every six weeks for the local market of San José de Las Matas. Learn about the special methods the farmers utilize for pollination and how the surrounding mountains play a role in their agricultural techniques.

Dominican Pride

Asocra Upro employee Jesús Medivarga explains the process of coffee production, from the harvesting and drying of the beans to exportation. The company produces coffee from all over the Sierra Region and contributes to one of the Dominican Republic’s most popular exports.

Product List






Sweet Potato


Chili Pepper



Chayote Squash



Macadamia Nuts